Raising the bar: Church Slides 101
In this topsy turvy crisis, many churches are moving their worship services online. Designing online worship screens is a bit different than designing for large church screens.
A day stretches out before me. A whole day to fill. Each morning I pray that my words and actions will communicate God's love. So today I shelter at home. I lift up in prayer those who are sick, those...
Creative ways churches are meeting the needs of their congregations during the Coronavirus crisis (COVID-19).
Lent is a wonderfully deep time of year for the church. It is important to prepare for it and design worship screens to strengthen the worship experience. So how do you do that...
New year - new life - fresh start - clean slate - marvelous themes for spiritual renewal. The problem is...
I should have caught it faster...
Thoughts and insights from a fellow weekly church slide designer - may you also find joy in the morning.
An unexpected joyful moment added to worship when a song and the screens combined to motivate the congregation to act...
Advent is such a dynamic time of the year. We are happily pulled in so many directions: designing worship services, working, volunteering, family, working out, cooking, cleaning – the list joyfully goes on. But sometimes we get lost in the...