Being the church during the Coronavirus Panademic
I am blessed to work closely with several churches in Southern California. Many churches here are not meeting in person – they are encouraging their congregation to experience worship through a live stream on Sunday morning. But these amazing churches are not stopping there. Phone trees are set up to check in regularly with each member. Offers of food deliveries are being extended. Facebook groups are being used to decrease isolation and increase hope. Regular emails are being sent out with the prayers from the worship service as well as prayer requests (with people’s information/privacy being safeguarded). This is all church done well. I hope we will hold on to some of these loving practices after the pandemic has passed. In this unpredictable time, I hope you all take good care of yourselves and stay happy and healthy. God bless Lisa
What is your church doing during the Coronavirus pandemic? Please share below so we can all hear your good ideas!