What do new life worship slides look like?
Beyond functionality, one of the best gifts that screens offer a church is to look more contemporary. An important element of looking contemporary is to change the screens with the seasons.
During the summer having images of lakes, oceans and mountains add to the feeling of freedom that comes with beautiful weather. An added bonus is that your people will be reminded of God when they are out and about – there is a marvelous connection that happens when we associate the gorgeous scenery on the church screens with our own local scenery. I live in California, so I like using images from the beach, sunsets and Yosemite on our church screens.
But when the summer is over than fall colors take over. And of course, Christmas and Easter themes are essential during those seasons. When we change with the seasons it makes the worship experience relevant. I am writing this note in the last week of 2021. Christmas has come and truthfully is still here – epiphany is on the horizon. So I will retain some special Christmas images on the screens but I will also include some new year/new life/fresh start images - I will start visually communicating hope and new beginnings.
So what does a new year/new life/fresh start worship screen look like? The first thing to communicate is that God walks with them into their future. It has positive colors; it has movement built in; it might have an open horizon or be contemplative of the future. It will have an image on the communicates being on the verge or in the midst of change. The good news is these worship screens will work year-round. Our hymns and contemporary songs are full of change and new life themes – these screens will uplift the worship and deepen the seeker’s worship experience.