United Kingdom & Singapore Churches
Thank you for being a supporter of Envision Worship Church PowerPoints. We could not do it without you. We feel very blessed to be a part of your church’s worship experience.
Unfortunately, we are no longer able to serve United Kingdom and Singapore churches directly through our main website EnvisionWorship.com (I will explain why below). But the good news is that we found a solution.
Good News: We have found a work around for United Kingdom and Singapore churches and have created a store on Etsy where you can continue to find our gorgeous, easy-to-use church PowerPoints:
Why is this happening? As you know the United Kingdom and Singapore collects VAT on all digital products. There is no minimum threshold. We have not charged you the VAT – we paid it for you. Until recently we have gladly paid what we owed on a regular basis.
Unfortunately, during the summer of 2023, His Majesty Revenue & Customs (HMRC) changed their payment policies. They no longer accept United States debit, credit card or bank account payments. Our only option was an international wire transfer for which the banks charge a 60-pound fee. We are a small company and could not afford to do this four times a year. We petitioned the HMRC for different payment options but were denied.
This made me incredibly sad. My call is to bring beautiful and meaningful PowerPoints to churches. Yes, it is an odd call – but it was given to me and I take that commission very seriously. So, I started looking for a solution. Etsy is a great one. The Etsy platform will collect the VAT and submit it for Envision Worship.
Singapore starting charging VAT on digital products January 1, 2024. Again we are a small company without the infrastructure to support worldwide VAT requirements - thankfully Etsy is a huge company with the bandwidth to deal with all of that. So please go to Envision Worship on Etsy so we can continue serving you and your church.
I will be adding all Envision Worship PowerPoints to Etsy and hope to be done with this in the near future. In the meantime, if you see one on the main website that you would like added to Etsy – just let me know.
I hope we can continue to serve your church in the future.
God bless, Lisa
Lisa Scott Jones, CEO
I would love to hear from you. Is there a church PowerPoint image you would like us to add? Is there a way to make designing your church's worship services easier for you?